End of an era

Years ago, when Covid was still very much impacting our day to day lives, I pivoted instead of panicking, a skill I am so grateful to have. I had just opened up my brick and mortar yoga and fitness studio and memberships had come to a halt because people, understandably, were wary of being in a group setting. No problem, I figured, I’ll switch to 1:1 training instead, which I found to be better for the clients, as they got custom workouts and yoga practices designed for their particular goals and postural needs.

Then I turned to the online space to try to figure out what I could do for my business there and I came up with Intention Factor® Subscription Programming. I offered Posture, Glute, Fitness - and later down the line - Cycle programming. Those Covid years were the top earning years for my business, and as the saying goes, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Right?


I wouldn’t say anything broke. If anything, the opposite occurred. Things didn’t break, they grew.

The more experience I acquired, and the more education I dove into, the more I realized that workouts are actually just a small piece of the puzzle of health and fitness. I’ve seen mind-blowing results take place when everything is aligned - from workouts, and sleep, to nutrition and stress management, and beyond.

I’ve decided I no longer want to simply deliver a one-size fits most program that just contains workouts. I want more face time with my members. I want to offer more tips. More education. More support. I want to work together in a more comprehensive, integrated way.

So as I take the time to bring the ideas I have to fruition, it is with great excitement (and a twinge of sadness) to announce that Intention Factor® Subscription Programming is coming to a close after this last and final round of programming. But this programming is different than ever before.

Everyone will get my newest creation, the 6 Week Total Shape Up for Mind, Body and Soul. It is a nod to my desire to work with you in a greater capacity, and expand the deliverables to give you the main tools you need to help you fully reach your goals. You’ll get:

  • 5 comprehensive workouts per week requiring only dumbbells and resistance bands

  • Mobility practices - both follow along and written out

  • Guided meditation practices

  • Guided journaling on rest days for stress management and deepening your relationship to self

  • High protein breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes

  • Mini lessons on nutrition, sleep, hormone balancing and stress management

It’ll go live on Launch Day, June 24, 2024. Provided you save it, you’ll have it forever. Register here, and save it anytime between June 24 and July 4th, when all memberships will be cancelled.

Thank you for being on this journey with me - I cannot wait for you to enjoy this final creation for Intention Factor® Subscription Programming!!