Camera Roll Foods

I’ve dialed in my eating the last few weeks and I am feeling so good. I feel energized, never hungry or hangry. I feel lean and strong. I thought I’d share some recent meals from my camera roll. Every week I try to make a couple proteins, a couple different veggies, and either rice, potatoes, corn or some other starch. I typically will have three meals per day plus one or two snacks. I’m currently tracking 140g protein and aim for 25-30g of fiber per day.

Ok so top pic is from a day I went into the city and had some time to grab lunch. It was a spinach salad with smoked salmon, half an avocado, beets, a poached egg and a dill dressing. I’d already had some avocado at breakfast and since avocado is high in fat (health fat, but fat nonetheless), I ate about half this avocado. I used about half the dressing as well. I don’t love beets but I don’t hate them and my rule when dining out is to try to eat things I don’t normally make myself at home.

Did a little surf and turf on this particular night with scallops, flank steak, broccoli and corn. I also made a little Ray Peat salad (google it) which I now crave nightly.

The next night I had leftover flank steak, a medley of cabbage, onions and tomatoes, and some roasted fingerling potatoes.

For meal prep, I typically have a couple meats and a variety of veggie medleys all sautéed up and ready to rock and roll. Here we’ve got some chicken thighs, asparagus and a spinach and pepper medley. What I like about pre-making those veggie medleys is that it makes it so quick and easy to add veggies to your egg scramble in the morning..and we all want that fiber!!

But life shouldn’t be boring and I firmly believe in satisfying the cravings I get, so on an extremely hot day in NYC, when I walked from 18th to 42nd (I KNOW), I was dying for frozen yogurt. I couldn’t find one near Grand Central so I did an açaí bowl instead. I added whey protein to it (couldn’t believe that was an option!) and it had granola, blueberries, honey and banana. I ate almost the entire thing. When I want something, I want it, and will eat it, no problem, no guilt.

The wifi at the airbnb I’m staying at wasn’t working so I went to a local cafe to work and grab something to eat. I had tuna salad on a bed of lettuce with some cubes and avocado and an unsweetened iced tea.

Again with the cravings! Had half a delicious chocolate chip cookie from a local bakery. Chocolate chip cookies are my weakness.

Ok here we’ve got rice, cabbage and ground beef. I try to do a lean ground beef usually, but every once in a while I’ll do an 85% if it’s on sale or something. I put hot sauce on it.

Here we’ve got cabbage, green beans, some chicken meatballs from Costco (ingredients were SURPRISINGLY CLEAN!) and leftover chicken thighs.

After ripping out carpeting in my new house in 90 degree heat with no AC, I thought the best thing I could do was get some ice cream. Here I got moose tracks (I dunno, it’s got like, stuff, in it. chocolate and whatever else), and I always get rainbow sprinkles.

Every once in a while I’ll wake up and CRAVE pancakes, but in reality, whenever I order just the pancakes I’m over it in like two bites and want something more substantial. So I ordered an egg white wrap with kale, tomatoes, onions and grilled chicken …..

And a side of pancakes so I could have my few bites hahah.

Here’s a cauliflower pizza from Costco - delish.

And here’s a typical breakfast - 3/4c egg whites, 1 whole egg, chicken sausage, veggies, a piece of Dave’s Killer bread with half an avocado. It’s about 47g protein, 25g fat and 17 carbs.

My final and latest Intention Factor® program includes so much more than just workings -among other things, it also has 15 high protein recipes and is available now if you want to check it out!
