Hybrid Online and In Person Training

Hybrid Online and In Person Training

from $699.00 every 4 weeks

Train with Candace both in person once or twice a week, and get custom programming for the other days of the week you’d like to workout on your own at your own home gym or commercial gym. This is a great option for someone who feels confident on their own but needs a little push from a weekly in-person session for continued motivation and improvement.

For training on your own, you’ll use the TrueCoach app, a very user-friendly app that allows you to see Candace’s custom training for you. Each workout has demo videos for each move, and you’ll complete it at your own pace and on your own time. Through the app, you can upload your sets and reps, videos, and you also have the ability to message Candace. Candace will hold you accountable because she is able to monitor your workouts to ensure you’ve completed them through the app.

This price includes monthly custom programming for up to 2 sessions per week, plus your choice of weekly in-person sessions.

In-Person Training:
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Personal Training

from $140.00