Book a Phone Call

Book a Phone Call


There are so many ways to work with Candace, how do you know which option is best for you? If you’re wanting to speak with Candace to talk through your goals and thoughts before you make a decision, this is your chance! This offer is a 20 minute discovery call where you can ask questions and get clarity on the service that will work best for you.

Please come to the zoom call ready with:

  • Any questions you have about the particular services you’re interested in

  • Your ideal goals in working with Candace

  • Any potential obstacles you anticipate

Should you continue to move forward with a particular service, you will receive a discount code to take the cost of this call off the price of your chosen service. Upon payment, you will receive an automated email with the link to book your call - please make sure to add success @ to your address list to ensure you receive the automated email.

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